
new early rice Learn more about new early rice

  • Industry point of view: new early rice listing acquisition shows caution

    Industry point of view: new early rice listing acquisition shows caution

    The acquisition of new early rice on the market shows caution at present, the new season early indica rice in southern China has been fully listed, and the purchase prices of third-class early indica rice produced in 2015 are currently lower than the lowest protection price of early indica rice in China in 2015. The main body of the acquisition is the purchase of grain depots, and the small and medium-sized processing enterprises are due to "strong rice".

    2016-01-10 Industry viewpoint new early rice listing acquisition show caution
  • The market continues to be under pressure at the end of the auction

    The market continues to be under pressure at the end of the auction

    It is understood that on October 13,2015, China started the auction of early indica rice in temporary storage again. When the acquisition of early indica rice in new season was just completed and the mid-late indica rice in new season was listed, the auction of early indica rice in temporary storage was started. The latest auction of China's temporary reserve early indica rice began on October 21,2014

    2016-03-20 temporary storage early indica rice again start auction late stage market continue
  • The acquisition progress of early rice accelerates the stability and strength of the rice market

    The acquisition progress of early rice accelerates the stability and strength of the rice market

    According to a survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, the sown area of early rice in 2015 was 5715.4 thousand hectares, a decrease of 79.5 thousand hectares or 1.4 percent over the previous year. The total output of early rice in the country was 33.691 million tons, a decrease of 320000 tons, or 0.9 percent. This is the second consecutive year of decline in early indica rice production since 2013.

    2016-01-10 Early rice acquisition progress acceleration rice market stable strong according to
  • Yuexiang Zhan, a New Indica Rice Variety with High Harvest Index and High quality

    Yuexiang Zhan, a New Indica Rice Variety with High Harvest Index and High quality

    Yuexiangzhan is the latest "high-efficiency index" conventional high-quality rice bred by the Rice breeding High-tech Research Laboratory of Rice Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This variety passed the early conventional regional test in 1996 and 1997 and the mixed regional test of South China early indica conventional rice and hybrid rice in 1997 and 1998. In February 1998, it passed the provincial determination of crop varieties in Guangdong Province, and now it has become the corresponding species in the regional test of early and high quality millet in Guangdong Province. the variety popularized in the whole province, and listed in the extension project of the Ministry of Agriculture. Yuexiangzhan is a variety with both early and late use. The early growth period in Guangzhou is 125 days.

  • The low price trend of early indica rice suggests that farmers postpone the sale.

    The low price trend of early indica rice suggests that farmers postpone the sale.

    According to analysis, at present, China continues to implement the market purchase policy of early indica rice in 2015, and the market price is 1.35 yuan / jin. After a large number of early indica rice were put on the market at the end of July, with the start of the national early indica rice market support, the price quickly approached to 1.35 yuan / jin. According to China

    2016-03-20 Early indica rice price trend downturn suggestion farmers postponement sale
  • The purchase volume of early indica rice may decline this year.

    The purchase volume of early indica rice may decline this year.

    Due to the continuous bumper harvest and the impact of imported rice, the domestic early indica rice market has been weak in recent years, and the market capacity is relatively small, so the trend of centralized rotation of grain reserves in the first half of the year is even weaker. The price of new early rice is lower than the lowest this year.

    2016-01-10 This year early indica rice support the market the purchase volume or will decline due to
  • Introduction of two new combinations of early brilliant rice with high yield, medium maturity and high quality

    Introduction of two new combinations of early brilliant rice with high yield, medium maturity and high quality

    T you 898: a new early indica rice combination selected by Hunan Longping Hi-Tech Nongping seed Industry Co., Ltd. It passed the variety approval of Jiangxi Province in 2005 (approval No.: Ganshendao 2005080L characteristics: cultivated as early rice in Jiangxi, the whole growth period is about 115 days. The plant height is 95 cm, the plant and leaf type is good, the tillering ability is strong, the stem is stout, the panicle rate is high, the color is good in the later stage, and there is no grain drop. 667 square meters (1 mu) effective panicle 220000, total grains per panicle 119.6, 1000-grain weight 24.7g, grain slender and long

  • Shandong agronomist Xu Defang bred a new variety of upland rice

    Shandong agronomist Xu Defang bred a new variety of upland rice

    In the golden autumn, a new upland rice variety carefully cultivated by Xu Defang, an agronomist in Dongying Branch of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has had a bumper harvest. It is estimated that the yield is more than double that of the current upland rice variety 297, with a yield of 600-650 kg per mu, marking a breakthrough in upland rice breeding in China. Using more than 30 ancestral materials provided by Professor Li Zichao of China Agricultural University, Xu Defang found a dwarf variant line from a high stem line 33-1, from which a number of 9 lines were selected, namely, early maturing, glutinous rice and early rice.

  • Agricultural news: 1.53 million tons of new early rice purchased by the main producing areas

    Agricultural news: 1.53 million tons of new early rice purchased by the main producing areas

    According to the statistics of the State Grain Administration, as of August 5, various grain enterprises in nine major producing areas, including Henan and Jiangsu, had purchased 51.38 million tons of new wheat, a decrease of 12.93 million tons over the same period last year. All kinds of grain enterprises in 9 major producing areas, including Sichuan and Hubei, have purchased 1.1 million tons of newly produced rapeseed.

    2016-01-10 Agriculture important news main producing areas acquisition new early rice according to
  • When the protective price of rice is lowered in 2018, will the market price of new rice exceed that of last year?

    When the protective price of rice is lowered in 2018, will the market price of new rice exceed that of last year?

    Let's first take a look at the protective price of rice in 2017 last year. The lowest purchase prices of early indica rice (third grade, the same below), middle and late indica rice and japonica rice produced in 2017 are 130 yuan, 136 yuan and 150 yuan per 50 kg respectively. The ratio of three types of rice.

  • Prospect of Rice production situation and Market trend in South China this year

    Prospect of Rice production situation and Market trend in South China this year

    According to the monitoring of the meteorological department, the growth and development of rice is good, but with the excessive rainfall and the continuous migration of overseas insect sources, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the southern producing areas is serious, which has a certain adverse impact on the yield and quality of rice in the later stage. At the same time, driven by a sharp rise in the prices of edible oil, pork and other agricultural products, coupled with a partial pick-up in rice demand, domestic rice prices have generally shown a steady upward trend recently. The specific situation is simply analyzed as follows: first, the situation of new rice production in South China this year. Favorable factor branch

  • Aixianzhan, a New Conventional Rice Variety

    Aixianzhan, a New Conventional Rice Variety

    Aixianzhan, a new conventional rice variety with good quality and high yield for both early and late season, was bred by crossing Yueyezhan 21/Yuanxianzhan. It was identified as the first class rice of national standard by physical and chemical analysis by Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Ministry of Agriculture (Wuhan), breaking through the zero record of the first class rice variety of national standard quality in our province. It is reported that this variety is early-maturing, late-maturing, temperature-sensitive indica rice. In 2002, late-cropping rice was tested in provinces and regions. The average yield per mu was 383.29 kg, which was 3.54 kg higher than that of CK japonica rice 89

  • Water-saving and high-yield rice produces jasmine fragrance

    Water-saving and high-yield rice produces jasmine fragrance

    It has become a reality to put on shoes to go to the fields and save water to grow rice. A team led by Luo Lijun from Shanghai Agrobiological Genome Center created the world's first early hybrid rice, "Huhan 1A", and made a new breakthrough. Hanyou 3 has been approved, and the actual yield per mu has exceeded 500 kg for the first time under the condition of saving 50% of water resources. In the early rice hybrid research in Shanghai, it took scientists 10 years to screen 10,000 resources and obtained more than 100 drought-resistant resources as parents for breeding. "the characteristic of hybrid rice is high yield, just like that made by

  • Policies still need to be in place to support the market to boost rice prices and increase income.

    Policies still need to be in place to support the market to boost rice prices and increase income.

    Editor's note: since July 28, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Hubei provinces have successively launched the acquisition of early indica rice in 2015, alleviating the short-term pressure of the initial market purchase price, and the effect of policy supporting the market has gradually emerged. But subject to warehousing conditions, farming arrangements, etc.

    2016-01-10 Prop up the market boost rice prices increase income still need policy in place editor's note
  • A New Indica Rice Variety "Hongliangyou 166"

    A New Indica Rice Variety

    The comprehensive performance of the main indicators of characteristic quality: head rice rate 66.5%, aspect ratio 2.6, chalky grain rate 36%, chalkiness 6.4%, gel consistency 78 mm, amylose content 23.4%. Resistance performance: the weighted average grade of resistance to rice blast was 5.7, the resistance frequency was 90%, and the resistance to bacterial blight was 5. The average growth period of one-cropping medium rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 137.3 days, which is 2.8 days later than that of the control "Shanyou 63". The seedling stage has strong tillers, luxuriant growth, moderate plant type, stout stem, straight flag leaves and plant height.

  • The progress of domestic japonica rice acquisition is faster than the same period last year, and the overall price of japonica rice is stable and moderate.

    The progress of domestic japonica rice acquisition is faster than the same period last year, and the overall price of japonica rice is stable and moderate.

    The harvest of new season japonica rice in Northeast China has been basically completed in the middle and first ten days of November, and the japonica rice in Jiangsu and Anhui has also entered the final stage. due to the influence of the weather, the quality of rice in Northeast China this year is lower than that of last year, and at the same time, boosted by policy acquisitions, all kinds of grain enterprises enter the market.

    2016-01-10 Domestic japonica rice acquisition progress year-on-year acceleration price overall
  • Huayougui 99 (Rice)

    Huayougui 99 (Rice)

    [basic situation] the popularization of hybrid rice has played an important role in increasing grain production in China. With the development of national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for grain quality is getting higher and higher. cultivating early indica hybrid rice combinations with high quality, high yield and disease resistance is an important problem to be solved in rice breeding. The Department of Agronomy of South China Agricultural University, in cooperation with Tengxian seed Company and Raoping County seed Company, made use of the high quality male sterile line Y Huanong A with high blast resistance and the restorer line Gui 99. South China early-sleeved hybrid rice with high quality, high yield and blast resistance was bred.

  • There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

    There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

    There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

  • How can the yield of super rice exceed 1000 kg per mu?

    How can the yield of super rice exceed 1000 kg per mu?

    After the yield measurement by experts organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, the fourth phase of China's super rice yield per mu project in Xupu County, Hunan Province, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and led by Academician Yuan Longping, made a major breakthrough, and the yield per mu of 100 mu set a new record of 1026.7 kg. Han, Minister of Agriculture

    2016-03-20 Super rice yield per mu super thousand kilograms yes how to achieve by
  • Jiuqixiang 1 rice

    Jiuqixiang 1 rice

    Jiuqixiang No. 1 rice was independently undertaken by Zengcheng Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology to complete the "96Mur2Mur48mur4" project of the Ninth five-year Plan of Guangzhou Science and Technology Commission. Basmati, Batizaoxiang and Xiangsi Miao varieties were mixed as male parents, and Qingzhen 8 was selected as female parent after crossing. It belongs to early indica medium mature rice, which is planted late for stable yield, high quality and high efficiency (early planting will sprout on the ear). The whole growth period is 125 days early and 110 days late, and the plant height is 100 days.
